Teen Tech Overuse Interventions or "TECHNOVENTIONS"

Are interventions to help your teenager
unhook from their tech device.
Is your child lost in Cyber Space?
Just when you think things couldn't get any worse you may find yourself asking the following questions:
- Am I losing my teenager to social media, video games or other tech addictions?
- Is my teenager’s screen time spiralling out of control?
- Is my teenager out of touch with reality?
- Can my teenager sabotage my parental controls on the devices used?
If despite your best efforts, you find yourself failing at having a meaningful connection with your teenager, then this program is for you.
Technoventions are carefully crafted, tailor-made, psycho-social intervention that apply a family-centered emotional approach to your child’s tech addiction.
Is your child currently experiencing
— irritability and violent outbursts?
— sleep irregularities?
— anxiety, isolation or overstimulation through social media?
— lack of motivation to engage in anything apart from phones, laptops or other devices?
— difficulty focusing on school, decline in grades and a lack of interest in learning?
Through Technoventions we offer a combination of approaches like personal mentoring, parent counseling, group activities, boot camp like residential weeks and weekends as well as INTERVENTIONS.
Through these integrated approaches, we can help your child find satisfaction and balance in the offline world while building sustainable habits to maintain a healthy life balance.
We are a team of dedicated practitioners under the leadership of GenDerations Founder Stefan Hermann, who has decades of experience in connecting with youth all over the world. He has 2 Tedx Talks in his name. You can witness his passion for youth on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Stefan served as the 1st Executive Director of BoysToMen/GirlsToWomen in the San Francisco Bay Area and calls Pune/India and Santa Barbara/California his home.

Recent media attention on the topic as references:
NY Times article: Children’s Screen Time Has Soared in the Pandemic, Alarming Parents and Researchers,
By Matt Richtel, Published Jan. 16, 2021
Teen Suicides doubled in 2020 in Clark County/Las Vegas ...
“Mental health groups and researchers released reports and resources to help schools, which provide counseling and other intervention services....”

Teen Suicides doubled in 2020 in Clark County/Las Vegas ...
“Mental health groups and researchers released reports and resources to help schools, which provide counseling and other intervention services....”
A video that Brad Hunstable made in April, two days after he buried his 12-year-old son, Hayden, in their hometown Aledo, Texas, went viral after he proclaimed, “My son died from the coronavirus.” But, he added, “not in the way you think.” In a recent interview, Mr. Hunstable spoke of the challenges his son faced during the lockdown — he missed friends and football, and had become consumed by the video game Fortnite. He hanged himself four days before his 13th birthday.”