Dr. Mario Peters
Director, Oxford International College &
Founding Director, The Youth Leadership Trust
As Director of an international group of schools, I have become increasingly aware of the need of a new impulse within education that will inspire the next generation with the passion, confidence and ability to take the lead in organizations, in society, in their local communities and in their own lives. The GenDerations Program steps boldly into this gap and offers young people essential skills and tools that are dearly needed as this generation grow into adulthood. It is a unique program that I have seen to have deep and lasting impact in every young person who participates. My two teenage sons have completed the program and have been transformed by it. I am planning to introduce the GenDerations Program into all of our schools worldwide as soon as they become available which sadly they are not yet.

Dr. Sadhana Natu
Head of Phycology Department
University of Pune, India
The education system is in dire need of a well thought out and impact making program for emotional management of school going adolescents. GenDerations delivers! This program is innovative, inclusive and democratic. It has far reaching impact on the participants, gives them a safe harbor in the schools environment and invaluable life skills with long-lasting effects.

Helena Trachsel
Managing Director,
Office for Gender Equality of the Kanton Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland
I was very impressed by the sensitivity, equanimity and consciousness of the men and women that will be facilitators of the GenDerations program.

Robert Braissant
Internationally acclaimed architect and docent, father of a girl and boy, Simon (17) , who went through the BoysToMen Program
Bern, Switzerland
The mentor training was organized professionally, well presented and methodically sound; additionally it offered a very practical approach and touched my surprisingly deep. Beyond my initial desire to contribute to others, I felt contributed to in my own personal growth. I learned the things which will benefit me and my family for years to come.